With the default boot, no argument, booting, then, asking for the language, then the keyboard, then changing the debconf priority, then execute a shell, then reboot!
oups! :'( With DEBCONF_PRIORITY=normal I got this menu: +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Debian Installer main menu ! ! ! ! This is the Debian installer main menu ! ! ! ! Choose the next step: ! ! ! ! Choose language ! ! Select a Keyboard Layout ! ! Detect CDROM devices and mount the CD in /cdrom ! ! Change debconf priority ! ! Verify the cd contents ! ! Execute a shell ! ! Reboot ! ! ! ! <Continue> ! ! ! +------------------------------------------------------------------+ So I came back with the image from late october and my amiga-cfdisk problem. Can someone tells me how I can skip the installation of this package? Is there a configuration file I can modify to remove the package from the installation? Thanks, Best regards, -- .''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** : :' : Arnaud Vandyck `. `' http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/ `-
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