[Note: arch=new powermac] [Sorry for crosspost, I don't know which list is more appropriated]
Hi all, I do have some problems to boot with the new debian-installer images. I did also try woody but it fails to recognize my harddisk! I got a GentooLive for powerpc that boots ok. I could partition my hd and now I have yaboot configured (some linux and osX). I did copy the gentoo kernel, modules and modules.conf and told yaboot to boot on it. I did build debootstrap from another powerpc and launched it. It installed some packages but I do not have 'ar'! nor a 'functionnal' Debian system! :( I did not recall the program that is launched at the first installation. Also, is it the good way to install Debian from another distribution? Do you have some more informations about it? What can I launch to re-install debian? how can I build it? Many thanks for some links. Now that I have a running linux on the powerbook, I can try to compile some stuff to install... Many thanks for your help and for your time, -- .''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** : :' : Arnaud Vandyck `. `' http://alioth.debian.org/users/arnaud-guest/ `- http://alioth.debian.org/developer/diary.php?diary_user=2781 jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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