On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 12:09:16 +0200
Gaudenz Steinlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Sam, den 18.10.2003 schrieb Arnaud Vandyck um 00:28:
> > It's three  days I can't  boot the daily  image, it 'infinite  loop' and
> > console flash during the boot. 
> I'm not sure if this is a known bug. Can you please describe what
> happens in more detail?

No  because the  system is  booting and  (I think)  before  starting the
installer (sorry for the words, I do not know the terminology), it seems
to  loop and  the console  flashes... but  with the  manually  image, it

> > With the  manually updated working  image, everything was  perfect until
> > installing  the kernel... if  I recall,  it was  ppcdetect that  was not
> > found. 
> This is fixed in CVS. ppcdetect is obsoleted by archdetect.

Is it really archdetect that is called? ;)

> > Where do you think I can download a new CD image? 
> the newest images are on gluck. If they aren't updated, it's a bug in
> the build system.

the last  three days, I  think I did  download different images,  no bug
here ;)

> > I did the boot with openfirmware, is it supposed to autoboot?
> Yes it should autoboot. Simply press 'c' on boot.

I did the  image with the Disk Image utility from  Apple. I'm working on
MacOSX at the moment.  If there is no way to make  an autoboot disk with
this tool, no problem, I boot  with openfirmware ;) Also, I know that if
I install Debian with the old installation system, I'll not test the new
installer! ;)

> Thank you for testing

De rien! ;) I'd like to work with Debian on my brand new PBG4 15"! :-D

Best  regards and many  thanks for  your job!  I'm just  downloading the
latest image,

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
 : :' :     Arnaud   Vandyck
 `. `'   http://alioth.debian.org/users/arnaud-guest/
   `-    http://alioth.debian.org/developer/diary.php?diary_user=2781
         jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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