
Is Herbert Xu's cramfs patch still needed today, to get make-kpkg
--initrd to work with a plain vanilla kernel ?

If yes, where to obtain the patch, w/o the need of using a Debian
supplied kernel-source package ?

I've been running into trouble with a certain system, that only gives me
the choice of implementing the storage driver as module. However just
the fact of taking the kernels that i prepared (like 2.4.22-ac4 +
additional patches) and recompiling them with the --initrd option on
make-kpkg doesn't seem to be enough. Even modifying the initrd-image
afterwards doesn't give me succes.

What happens is that the initrd image is loaded, unloaded and when the
kernel get's to the point where it want's to mount the real root
filesystem it fails.

Martin List-Petersen
martin at list-petersen dot se
Bahdges? We don't need no stinkin' bahdges!
-- "The Treasure of Sierra Madre"

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