On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 01:31:55PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> Anyway, please test and give feedback, before i upload, so we can have
> all these powerpc subarches supported by debian-installer and debian as
> of the sarge release.

I successfully booted the powerpc-pmac kernel with quik on my
oldworld, so apparently the size is not a problem for quik.

However, it didn't load the modules. I had copied the modules into 


As they had been unpacked on my newworld from the deb. But during
boot, the kernel was looking in 


and the uname of the kernel is also 2.4.22-powerpc, so they didn't
get loaded. In /boot, the file name is vmlinux-2.4.22-powerpc-pmac .

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