Hello FTP Masters, Release Manger, d-i Team, at the d-i debcamp in Oldenburg the debian-installer team had a discussion about how d-i will fit into the archive. Presently we are just pushing our udebs into unstable where the build processes and the net-install images fetch from. Images are build by various people for different architectures and published on gluck.
This mechanism is quite unsatisfactory, because we presently lack two important features, which are importent to ensure the quality of d-i. 1. A proper release scheme: We need working testing candidates all the time, as well as an mechanism to find a suitable candidate for a stable release. 2. An integration of d-i into the archive: A fixed place where users can download autobuilded, official installer images Since you (FTP Masters, RM) are directly involved in these questions we would like to discuss possible solutions with you. 1) Release Scheme ----------------- During the development process it often happens that some upload makes the installer totally unsusable. This is a drawback directly resulting of d-i' grreatest benefit, its modularity. These things will always happen and can't probably be avoided so we have to find a way to make them less painful for our testers. Debian already has a well tested release scheme with the unstable->testing->stable migration. It would perhaps be a good idea to let udebs propagate that path the same way the debs do and build official testing images only from udebs in testing, while the stable installer fetches from stable and the development version from unstable. To achieve this, the only thing to be done seems to adjust the testing scripts to process udebs as well. If this a feasable task, it would be great if it could be implemented as soon as possible, regarding the schedule for the sarge release. 2) Archive Integration ---------------------- We came to the conclusion that regularily autobuilded images, available through the archive would be the best method to provide d-i to the users. There were some suggestions of how to actually achieve this: * Have a source package that creates images which will be put in a special place by the install scripts. * Make .debs ot of the images, which will require less adjusting of present procedures * Make a binary debian package that builds the installer and use some totally different autobuilding process Please comment on these solutions or put some other ideas into the discussion. If would be nice if we had the infrastructure in place for the sarge release, if that is not feasable, as soon as possibele. Regards, Sebastian -- PGP-Key: http://www.mmweg.rwth-aachen.de/~sebastian.ley/public.key Fingerprint: A46A 753F AEDC 2C01 BE6E F6DB 97E0 3309 9FD6 E3E6
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