mån 2003-09-29 klockan 20.54 skrev Petter Reinholdtsen:
> [Thorsten Sauter]
> > just for make sure...
> > this means no program should set the title directly? This should be done
> > all the time by main-menu?
> The need to set the title will be greatly reduced, but I am not sure
> if we should require all packages to remove their titles.
> > If so, I go ahead and remove all title commands from my packages.
> I will remove the titles from mine packages when this is implemented,
> but you will have to decide for yourself if you want to do it for
> yours.

Hell no, we should decide on one approach and stick to it, inconsistency
is bad for your health. I move that only main-menu should set titles. As
we discussed in Oldenburg, having the titles consistent with the menu
items is an excellent way to reduce confusion.

Martin Sjögren
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