lör 2003-08-23 klockan 22.16 skrev Steve Langasek:
> Hello,
> I understand that d-i now uses discover, and that this is therefore a
> likely place to find someone who would be able to address bugs in the
> package.  There is currently a grave bug against discover for failing to
> install if /cdrom is mounted.  There are comments in the BTS about a
> possible solution, but no upload is forthcoming.  Does someone here want
> to take responsibility for this?  Also, the last upload seems to have
> been an NMU as well.  Are the Progeny folks still interested in this
> package to anyone's knowledge, or should discover perhaps be considered
> orphaned?

We were supposed to migrate to discover 2.x, in cooperation with
Progeny. There were several blocking issues from a d-i point of view,
and I don't know what finally happened. Pere?

Martin Sjögren
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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