Hi there,

I have got an alreay described problem with installing the sarge
distribution. When choosing 

   4. load installer modules
during installation and selecting a installation module I got
     Failed to retrieve installer module
     Retrieving the module libc-udeb failed for know
     reasons. Aborting. [press enter to continue]
This problem has been described before, but I could not found a
solution to it.

Is there a known workaround? Or do I need to install woody first
and uprade to sarge afterwards?

I use the images from 

Another posting said that


is broken. I have checked the image at the main site


which comes with the same version of libc-udeb. Is there a way
to get the new installer work in any way to install sarge from
the scratch?

Thanks for any hints in advance.

Regards, Uwe
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