Booting the installer on a 7305 (DigitalServer 7000) works like
described in the document "Installing RedHat Linux 6.0 on a Digital (DEC)
Alpha 4100" (Blakey, J. 1999;

in short:
        Use the Floppy-Disks Bootfloppies
        set boot_osflags "root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1"
        boot dva0 -file linux.bin

Like this I was able to boot into the debian installer.

Thanks for helping.

On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 13:08:13 +0200
Adrian Zaugg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear List
> Installing Debian (Debian Alpha Port) on a rawhide with a diskaray
> connected to a QLogic HVD (ISP 1040)* leads to a kernel panic:
>       VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:00
> If I connect a single SCSI Drive to a Symbios Card, removing all
> QLogic-Adapters, I can install Debian. With such an installation and
> having connected the diskarray afterwards, I can access the array and
> use the disks (unfortunately there is no space to mount a single drive
> in the box nowhere, so I must use the diskarray solely). With this, I
> just want to state the hardware is basically working with Debian...
> What I have tried so far, with same results:
>   - use LordSuch's Netinst (from CD)
>   - use the rescue- and rootdisk (from floppy)
>   - preformat the disks in the array with ext3 and bsd disklabels (bsd
>     disklabels are needed for debian-alpha to boot)
>   - with unformatted and unpartitioned disks
>   - different scsi cabling and changing PCI slots
>   - using bootflag rootfstype
>   - googling to get other hints...
> What else can I try?
> What does the number 01:00 in the error-message mean? If I change the
> cabling, sometimes I get 02:00 or even 08:00.
> Thank you for your help!
> Regards, Adrian.
> *)
> Scheme of Hardware:
> _____________________                      __________________
> RAWHIDE-QLogic(KZPBA)>-----SCSI-Cable-----<Clone of Sun D1000
> ---------------------                      ------------------
> -- 
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