tor 2003-04-03 klockan 20.54 skrev Geert Stappers: > On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 12:16:44PM +0200, Martin Sj?gren wrote: > > sön 2003-03-30 klockan 11.49 skrev Alastair McKinstry: > > > chroot is used in a bunch of code - the lilo, grub code etc install lilo > > > on /target then run chroot /target /sbin/lilo > > > similarly for a lot of prebaseconfig stuff. It could be removed from the > > > initial floppy, however. > > > > Exactly, that'd be in the stage1 udeb (stage0 being everything up until > > anna runs, stage1 being the rest of d-i and stage2 being base-config, in > > my terminology) > > > > The definition of 'Stages' is not yet in the d-i documentation.
That's because it's my own personal rule of thumb. Stage0 starts when the main menu is shown, and lasts until after anna has been run, then it's Stage1. Stage2 starts after the reboot. So the patch doesn't exactly match my view of d-i, but it's a start. /M -- Martin Sjögren [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG key: let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)
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