There are several issues that make the netinst CDs suck (and I don't
mean the text frontend). Two that I'm interested in are

1. Pulling in ethdetect, netcfg and net-retriever automatically in anna
(whether this should be done automatically in all cases is up for
debate... Maybe it's a good idea to configure the network as soon as
possible and don't leave that to base-config?)

2. Menu item ordering. In my opinion, everything that's installed by
anna should damn well end up below anna in the menu, or things will be
too confusing.

I don't know how to fix 2, but one idea I had for fixing 1 was to have
overrides in the netinst CD building, so ethdetect and friends would be
normally optional, but when put on a netinst CD, they'd be overridden to
standard. buxy, however, didn't really like this and suggested a file on
the CD-ROM with a list of packages to be installed automatically.

I've been toying with that idea too, I just wonder what package would be
responsible for finding the file under /cdrom/... and let anna know
about it.


Martin Sjögren
  GPG key:
  let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)

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