sön 2003-03-09 klockan 13.19 skrev Alastair McKinstry:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to track down what work is needed to get debian-installer
> working on the various ports, and to that end have created a page for
> tracking status:
>       http://people.debian.org/~mckinstry/ports-status.html
> Can people please have a look, and tell me what I'm missing, have wrong,
> etc. 

You should probably add a link to Tollef's "getting started" page:

> I would like to get to a stage soon where the small netinst CDs are
> autogenerated for each architecture, so we've a better understanding of
> the work left to do.
> In particular I'd like to find out what different "install methods" we
> need; eg. how many different types of CDs / floppies / netboot images we
> need for mips, etc.

Don't bet too much money on that the existing concept will survive, I
think parts of it needs a redesign to better support netinst CDs.
There's also the problem of fitting "everything" even on a 2.88M boot
image. For example, both fitting brltty and bogl-bterm and fb-modules
and the newt frontend on the cdrom 2.88M image won't work. How do we
want to handle this?


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