ons 2003-03-05 klockan 10.14 skrev Christian T. Steigies:
> On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 10:10:03AM +0100, Martin Sjögren wrote:
> > 
> > What I *meant* was that if you've used a sarge CD, don't. Use a woody CD
> > instead. If you used a sarge floppy, don't. Use woody floppies instead.
> > If you use the sarge CD/floppy/et.c. we don't guarantee that anything
> > works. Of course, we'd be happy to get feedback on the installer, though
> > :-)
> There are sarge CDs? He didn't say he was using sarge CDs. But he also
> didn't say he was not using sarge CDs. Well, the snowstorm here is so bad,
> that the crystal balls are not working anymore... but maybe tomorrow.

That he used a sarge CD/floppy was a guess of mine, based on "the
installing modules part".

FYI, it's not snowing here. ;)


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