ons 2003-02-26 klockan 09.37 skrev Matthias Gottschlich:
> Hi, here are further informations.......
> i use a debian sid-cd, which i get with jigdo 
> (ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/sid/jigdo/)

Are you booting from a floppy, or is there actually an installer on the
CD? I haven't downloaded the entire CD, seems to take a looong time, but
I have looked in the .jigdo.unpacked file, and from what I can see, this
CD is incompatible with debian-installer...

> I inserted the first cd and press enter to boot. The first screen " Welcome 
> to Debian 3.0 appears correctly. I can't use any other flavor, because the 
> installer told, that the other flavors couldn't be found. I press "enter" 
> to start.
> After
> "Setting up filesystem, please wait......" appear
> "kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k net-pf-1, errno = 2 "
> "kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k net-pf-1, errno = 2"
> "init started: Busybox v0.60.5......."
> the 4 times the modprobe-error from above
> The next line is:
> "Cannot open template file /var/lib/cdebconf/templates.dat"
> then 3 times the modprobe error from above
> Then Debian installer menu with the 3 options.
> If i change on console 2, i can run cat on 
> "/var/lib/cdebconf/templates.dat" and can see content of the file

Yes, all of these are harmless warnings, templates.dat is created

> Now, i start point 1 of the installer menu "Detect CDROM....... (default)"
> The "ignore Questions" is answered with "3" After i press "3" on ignore 
> question following line appear:
> "rmdir: unable to remove '/usr-share-discover':Directory not empty"

Also harmless, but it sounds like you have an old version of the d-i

> i came bach in the main menu of debian installer. No point 3 is the default 
> point "execute a shell". if i enter "3", i get into a shell. Thats all . i 
> can't found a programm like dbootstrap .....

If the shell is the default then you must have a very old version of
main-menu, this was changed a long long time ago.

> So i go back with exit to the main menu of debian-installer. No point 2 of 
> debian-installer main menu is the default???
> i press 2. It appears:
> "
> Choose retriever
> Choose retriever to use.
> The retriver is responible for fetching.......
> gunzip: /var/cache/anna/Packages.gz: No such file or directory

Sounds like old version of anna and cdrom-retriever. This was also fixed
a long time ago.


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