tis 2003-02-25 klockan 10.26 skrev Denis Barbier:
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 11:51:01PM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [...]
> > > Does this mean that LANGUAGE is fully determined by this locale, or
> > > can it be edited?
> > 
> > I want it to be fully determined by the locale, and do not see the
> > need to edit it manually.  Do you think the first time users need to
> > edit this list of fallback translations?
> Here is a proposal for this specific issue:
>   a.  User selects his preferred language (currently language-first)
>   b.  If it matches some specific languages which have predefined LANGUAGE
>       combinations (i.e. mostly Scandinavian languages), display a
>       select template which looks like
> Choices: no:nb:nn:dk:sv, no:nn:nb:dk:sv, no:nn:nb:sv:dk, Manual selection
>   c.  If the last choice is selected or if initial language has no
>       predefined LANGUAGE combinations, display language-addtolist and loop
>       until selection is over.

This is *way* too complex. What purpose does this serve? I really don't
think it's necessary with fallback languages.

If you *desperately* want something this complex, PLEASE make it
priority low! Did anyone ever complain about boot-floppies just asking
for language and not N fallback languages?


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