I've been tinkering with adding progress bars to base-installer, and it's tricky to say the least.
The info that debootstrap gives when called with --boot-floppies is very different from the API of the cdebconf progress bars, and I'm sitting here wondering what would be easiest of 1. changing debootstrap (perhaps add --debian-installer) 2. rewrite parts of base-installer in C, parse the info and convert it to cdebconf progress bars 3. change the cdebconf progress bars Yesterday, I tried attacking 2, but I'm kinda stuck. debootstrap decouples stepping and changing the info, that's merged in cdebconf. Unlike cdebconf, debootstrap has no concept of starting and stopping the progress, you'll just get a new upper limit and some current step. I'm leaning towards 1, since it'd be scary to do 3, but I have no idea how much work 1 will be. /Martin
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