reassign 180038 anna

tor 2003-02-06 klockan 20.15 skrev Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra):
> In the menu where you can select udebs to download (during network
> install), something goes wrong when the description of a package is
> longer than the screen. It will occupy two lines, this is not a problem,
> but the numbering will now assign two menu numbers to this entry.
> Example:
> 1 very_nice_package.udeb  This is a very nice package that basically
> 2 does nothing, but does occupy two lines
> 3 another.udeb            Package that does something else.

This should "only" happen if the module description contains ", " which
is the debconf separator for choices. Yes, anna should probably detect
this and do something more graceful. :) Can you reproduce it and tell me
exactly what this particular module was called? That would be very
helpful. 'cause then we can file an evil bug on that package and tell
them to change the description. ;)


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