Max wrote:
>    I have HP 9000/809/k100.

Ooo!  A K-class.  That was big iron in its day.

> When my box boot from Debian 3.0r1 hppa CD ( Interact with IPL (Y or
> N)?> Y ), i've got message "Cannot find ENTRY TEST Status= -4" and
> WARN 80F5 on LCD panel status. What is that means?  What do I do?
> Where can I find other WARN description ?

I would search the archives of debian-hppa for older discussion.  If
nothing found I would post a note there as that is where the majority
of the hppa users will be listening.

The LCD panel is a bootrom display and is not Debian specific.  I am
sure one of the service manuals will list it.


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