tor 2002-11-21 klockan 09.48 skrev Debian Boot CVS Master:
> Repository: debian-installer/tools/cdrom-detect/debian
> who:        barbier
> time:       Thu Nov 21 01:48:39 MST 2002
> Log Message:
>   In distribution enumeration, add a trailing space in order to prevent
>   formatting.  A string is thus marked fuzzy in translations.

You mean leading space, right? :)

Why is mirror/distribution both here and in choose-mirror by the way?
Ick! As we were talking about on the IRC, I think that the installer
should start by asking the questions:

1. Language
2. Debconf priority (carefully phrased)
3. Distribution (as low priority as possible, with the obvious default!)

Where should this be put? /sbin/debian-installer?


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