Package: boot-floppy
it looks to me like the image file "root.bin" for the 1.2M disk set is broken.
I was not able to load the ramdrive-image using the created disk. Here's what happened:
After booting from the rescue disk (with Boot option 'Linux' or 'floppy0' or 'ramdrive0') I am asked to insert the root disk. Each time I get a message that the disk does not contain a "ramdrive image starting at 0".
I tried 8 different Disks with two different Disk-Drives, 3 Download-Programs and 4 Mirrors to get the root disk to work. Far more than 20 times I wrote the disk with rawrite2 and I also reformatted the disks several times.
Using FDFormat I formated a 5.25" Disk to 1,44M format. Then I could use rawrite with the 1.44M image on a 5,25" disk.
That didn't work either - but the disk was recognized as a ramdrive image, instead the system refused to read 18 sectors per track from a 5.25" drive even if I changed the BIOS entry for the drive to 3.5"
All the time the rescue disk was doing fine.
The machine with the problem is a Pentium-II 333 on an ASUS P2L97 Board (Intel LX) with 64MB-Ram. One 5,25" Floppy drive, two IDE-harddrives, a Matrox Mystique PCI video adapter, a Voodoo Graphics adapter and last not least a Realtek PCI RTL 8139A 100Mbit NIC.
I hope this report will be of any help.
Sven Wienstein

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