On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 12:00:18AM -0700, Jim Lynch wrote:
> On 30 Aug 2002 17:05:52 +0200
> Tollef Fog Heen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * Jim Lynch 
> > 
> > | Over the past few days, I tried to build debian-installer, and
> > | subtracting some minor frustrations that could have been cleared up
> > | in the docs, it was pretty easy to build, if tedious: essentially, I
> > | had to run a build process much more than once.
> > 
> > You shouldn't.  Can you tell me a bit more about what was unclear, if
> > possible how the docs should be improved.  Also, you shouldn't need to
> > build anything multiple times.
> Absolutely... I had to cd into each of several dirs containing source
> for udebs and run dpkg-buildpackage in each one. I'd like to see a
> situation under which I would type make -once-, and it builds all the
> udebs. Yes, I understand they will be downloadable someday... For now,
> let me type make once to build everything :)
I use th shell script (attached). And then I do a 
find /path -name "*.udeb" -exec cp {} /path/build/localudebs/ \;

Thomas Poindessous

Attachment: compile_di.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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