> Hello,
> my name is Ton van den Broek, software engineer at Leica Microsystems Lithography in 
>Best, the Netherlands. Right now we are using  OS-9 as operating system, but since we 
>are losing our faith in it
> we are considering moving to Linux. We are using an MVME2604 Power PC board, and it 
>looks like Debian is the only one supporting this  board. I've downloaded your 
>bootfull.bin from 16 may 2002,
> 10:12, and boot the CPU-board with TFTP.
> That is working, but it doesn't recognize the SCSI-harddisk, which means the end of 
>installing Linux. The drive and cable must be  allright, because OS-9 does recognize 
> A.T.J. van den Broek
> Software engineer

   Hello Ton,
 I don't know about the 16 may version, but the 21th version contain
 the ncr driver, but not the sym one according to:

$ pwd
$ zgrep 53c8 sysmap.gz 
c0053c88 t get_env
c011dd7c t ncr53c8xx_select_queue_depths
c011de94 T ncr53c8xx_queue_command
c011df40 t ncr53c8xx_intr
c011e050 t ncr53c8xx_timeout
c011e128 T ncr53c8xx_reset
c011e244 T ncr53c8xx_abort
c011ebf4 t ncr53c8xx_proc_info
c011ec94 T ncr53c8xx_info
c0173da8 D ncr53c8xx_lock
c0173eb4 d proc_scsi_ncr53c8xx
c018b914 t sym53c8xx__setup
c018bd44 t sym53c8xx_pci_init
c018c1dc t sym53c8xx__detect
c018e2d0 T ncr53c8xx_setup
c018e2f0 T ncr53c8xx_detect

 The sym53c8xx_ entries are from
 which is included in the ncr driver:

$ cd /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.18
$ find . -type f | xargs grep sym53c8xx_comm.h | grep include
./drivers/scsi/ncr53c8xx.c:#include "sym53c8xx_comm.h"

 The ncr driver supports:

$ grep -A12  'Supported N' drivers/scsi/ncr53c8xx.c
**      Supported NCR/SYMBIOS chips:
**              53C810          (8 bits, Fast SCSI-2, no rom BIOS) 
**              53C815          (8 bits, Fast SCSI-2, on board rom BIOS)
**              53C820          (Wide,   Fast SCSI-2, no rom BIOS)
**              53C825          (Wide,   Fast SCSI-2, on board rom BIOS)
**              53C860          (8 bits, Fast 20,     no rom BIOS)
**              53C875          (Wide,   Fast 20,     on board rom BIOS)
**              53C895          (Wide,   Fast 40,     on board rom BIOS)
**              53C895A         (Wide,   Fast 40,     on board rom BIOS)
**              53C896          (Wide,   Fast 40,     on board rom BIOS)
**              53C897          (Wide,   Fast 40,     on board rom BIOS)
**              53C1510D        (Wide,   Fast 40,     on board rom BIOS)

 Hope that helps.


 . the debian-powerpc list is probably a better place for your problem
 . please set up your mailer to wrap lines, yours are to long

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