On Fri Apr 12, 2002 at 11:35:31AM +1000, Drew Parsons wrote:
> > I just tested it on all the bootable x86 systems in my house:
> ...
> >     Toshiba 490CDT Satellite Pro Laptop:     Works
> That's good news.  What was your success booting the Potato CD on this
> laptop?  In my experience, the Toshiba laptops (the 490CDT in particular)
> would not boot the Potato CD.  As far as I'm aware, this was because the
> boot image on the CD was based on a 2.88MB floppy image, where the Toshiba
> laptops could only handle a 1.44MB image.
> I'm impressed to hear Toshiba laptops can boot normally again :)

I didn't try Potato on this laptop.  Its on loan to me while
doing some software development.  But at least with the new
isolinux boot CD, I just dropped in the CD and it booted just
fine into the installer with both the default idepci and 
with the bf24 kernels....


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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