Control: tags -1 + unreproducible


Ralf Bergs <> wrote (Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:03:15 +0100):
> On 2025-02-25 15:50, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> > Control: reassign -1 partman-base
> >
> > On 25/02/2025 at 14:43, Ralf Bergs wrote:
> >>
> >> I created a bunch of GPT partitions in "manual" mode, but d-i seems to
> >> have created them in a different order.
> >
> > Can you provide more details about how you created the partitions and 
> > how they appear on disk ?
> > Ideally, can you attach /var/log/partman (if still in the installer) 
> > or /var/log/installer/partman (if in the installed system) in a 
> > compressed form ?
> Unfortunately, I can't. :-(
> I was fiddling a lot with the partitioning, and when I couldn't get the 
> system to boot (Grub always failed to install, because I put the ESP 
> partition on LVM, as you know, *not* realizing this was the root cause) 
> I install Ubuntu (sorry) just to verify whether it was a bug in d-i. 
> Ubuntu is still installed, as I'm still playing with the new machine 
> (it's a nice Mini PC which I have bought from AliExpress, and it's gonna 
> be my new intranet server).
> > In my experience, partman numbers the partitions in the creation 
> > order, and locates them in available space at the beginning or end of 
> > the disk as specified by the user.

I played around a bit on this topic, with gpt partition table both on BIOS 
boot and UEFI boot, and I cannot reproduce such issue.
So, without further information I fear we cannot do much here...


Holger Wansing <>
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