Your message dated Sun, 16 Feb 2025 17:39:55 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#1096080: Encrypting /tmp with Random Key changes the 
partition to /swap
has caused the Debian Bug report #1096080,
regarding Encrypting /tmp with Random Key changes the partition to /swap
to be marked as done.

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--- Begin Message ---

When setting up partitions, if i encrypt the /tmp partition using the random 
key method instead of passphrase, the result would be an encrypted /swap 
partition instead. 

In short,
/tmp + encryption random key turns into encrypted random key /swap.

To reproduce:
1. Go to the partition disks menu of debian-installer
2. Select Manual
3. Create a new partition with an ext4 journaling file system and set the mount 
point to /tmp
4.Now encrypt the /tmp partition with the encryption key set to Random Key
5. Go back to the Partition Disks section, now you will see the /tmp ext4 
partition has changed to /swap

I believe the solution is when you encrypt /tmp with random key, it should 
result in an encrypted /tmp with random key in ext4.

I am new to Linux, and did not complete the installation yet. Debian 12.9.0 is 
the version im trying to install.

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On 16/02/2025 at 16:12, Zim wrote:
  PS: Do you agree to close this bug ?

Yes, i agree to close this bug

--- End Message ---

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