No, I am not used subvolumes. It is not subvolumes, I think. I created very 
simple partitions in distribution installer.
If will I any free time, I can try test more distributions on the same SSD with 
ext4 file system. I will see, whether will the same bug on ext4 too. I will 
notify you with results.
Thank you very much Pascal with notice Debian mail list address. I sent by 
mistake more emails private only. I have not a lot of experiences with this 
kind of mail conference.
Od: "Pascal Hambourg" <>
Komu: "Matej Marko" <>
Dátum: 15.02.2025 00:30
Predmet: Re: os-prober issue. Not find all distributions on multi boot SSD

CC: <>
(Please reply on list)

On 15/02/2025 at 00:03, Matej Marko wrote:
> Yes. All root partitions are on BTRFS file system. It is possible, that > file system is main source of issues.

Can you provide more details about the btrfs layout for each system ?
Is there a subvolume for /, and is it the default subvolume ?

> Probably not exist distribution agnostic based, fully official website > for os-prober only. I am not found in Google. Probably this Debian > website connect developers from all linux distributions.

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