Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> writes:

> Hi Phil,
> Am 12. Dezember 2024 09:32:58 MEZ schrieb Philip Hands <p...@hands.com>:
>>I can see why you opted to put blendsel there from the point of view of
>>it being minimally invasive, but I think that after tasksel is too late
>>for blend selection.
>>Some blends may want to do things like preseed the desktop, or change
>>preferences for disk partitioning, or do other more radical things to
>>the way D-I works.
>>Debian-Edu's installer looks quite different at the tasksel stage for
>>  https://openqa.debian.net/tests/320732#step/edu_profile/1
>>and the only thing before that in the Debian-Edu installer is locale
>>selection, so if we wanted to be able to offer Debian-Edu as a blend
>>we'd need to be asking about blends very early on, presumably
>>immediately after locale selection.
> I fear, what you describe here is not what was my goal, when I
> started to work on this.
> I acted on the approach, to modify tasksel so it can have a
> hierachical structure for blends installation.
> So, my path was to create a possibility, to install packages for
> blends by selection. Not more.
> What you describe above is a much more invasive approach, that
> has effects in much more aspects of the installer.
> I see two issues with this approach (at this time):
> 1.
> I doubt I personally can perform such wide set of changings/functionality
> 2.
> I'm unsure if it's the right time for such comprehensive changings
> in this time of the Trixie development cycle.
> That smells like more time needed for development and testing
> to me?

I think I was perhaps forgetting that tasksel (and so blendsel) rely on
the installed system to do what they do, so one cannot push them earlier
in the order without more effort than I had in mind.

I still think it might be worth having an early question where it might
be possible to add more complexity later, just to provide a hook where
people like Debian-Edu could start developing things.

On the other hand, having a "Do you want to install a Blend?" question
immediately after the locale selection seems a bit weird, and would be
rather annoying if answering it wrong would lead to blendsel not
appearing after tasksel, when one had hoped it would.

I guess some feedback from blends folk about what they're hoping for
would help at this point. Perhaps blendsel is just what most people had
in mind, in which case the likes of Debian-Edu just need to continue
with their custom D-I.

Cheers, Phil.
Philip Hands -- https://hands.com/~phil

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