On 10/22/24 17:32, Nick Gawronski wrote:
Hi, I have installed debian 12.6 successfully on my System76 Serval WS 11
laptop on the first nvme drive that is two terabytes.  On the second drive
I have windows 10 pro 64 bits which is also two terabytes and have two
more drives that are four terabytes in size.  All drives including the
windows drive and the other storage drives are mountable and I can access
their data.  During the installation grub told me that it can modify the
nvram to have grub boot into debian by default but I told it no as I am
totally blind and had someone set the uefi boot order so that the windows
drive was booted first.


Now when I reboot I hear the grub beep and no
windows option

How do you know that if you are totaly blind.

and os-prober is running as it told me that it could not
detect any other operating systems during installation.

You are using multiple disks, so it's likely why Windows is not detected.

Try to boot into Windows using the above CMD.

This list is D-I specific, you will get more traction on debian-user
mailing list.

John Doe

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