On 05/08/2024 at 17:47, Holger Wansing wrote:

Is there an intended use case for built-in recipes ?
Should there be different recipes for different uses cases ?
- minimal installation
- workstation with graphic desktop environment
- server

Doesn't sound like a bad idea IMO.
Could probably solve the long standing issue
"#987503 swap partition only 1 GB instead of at least 1 x RAM size"
stating that hibernation is broken for machines with RAM bigger than 1G...

Do you mean to create specific recipes for hibernation ?
The issue you mention is not caused by current recipes but the introduction of partman-auto/cap-ram=1024 as a default to address the case of systems with more RAM than disk space. My proposal above already aims to address both issues by limiting the swap size to the lower of 100% RAM size and ~5% (open to discussion) disk space. Of course it also requires to disable partman-auto/cap-ram.

On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 07:07:17 +0200 José Ángel Pastrana <japp.deb...@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to suggest /var/log recipe. I think it is a valuable recipe for production environments.

Which kind of production environement ? Server, workstation ?
Isn't a separate /var enough in most cases ?
I also use a separate /var/log on unattended systems, but I do not bother doing it on my desktop or laptop.

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