On 05/08/2024 at 01:07, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 12:16:23AM +0200, HÃ¥vard F. Aasen wrote:
Could default home folder permissions lean towards greater privacy,
while administrators can adjust permissions to be less strict if

What I would like is to have 'HOME_MODE' [4] uncommented.

I vaguely remember the installer has an option for this, possibly
only on expert mode. If so, it would be good if the installer
default would change (or so).

I always use expert install and have never seen such option.

If the installer has no option for this, please reassign to
src:shadow, so we can think about it more.

AFAICS user-setup uses adduser if installed in the target system, useradd otherwise.

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