Hello, I also hit this bug when switching from BIOS to UEFI boot process. Details for context are in the next paragraph, but feel free to skip to the QUESTION part:).
After disabling the legacy BIOS support on my machines I noticed UEFI boot process uses the native LCD resolution. This causes smaller looking console fonts. It also makes GRUB use its GFXTERM font that in addition to being small has completely different style compared to "Uni2-VGA16.psf.gz". I previously used that ugly default looking font just to avoid even uglier noticeable font switching (during both booting and installing Debian). Thanks to Jörg Sommer's scripts I was finally able to set a much nicer and more adequately sized font ("Uni2-TerminusBold24x12.psf.gz") without noticeable font switching during booting. I did not finish integrating this into my customized Debian installer yet, but it is still a nice improvement for my machines. QUESTION: I have one question about INITRAMFS-TOOLS PREREQ mechanism. My other scripts use this redundant-looking "PREREQ" variable + "prereqs" function: ... PREREQ='...' prereqs () { echo "$PREREQ" } case "$1" in prereqs) prereqs exit 0;; esac ... I tested that all my INITRAMFS-TOOLS scripts work with this code or without it (= echo '...' directly in "case" statement like in Jörg's scripts) - at least the system boots fine. But I noticed that the INITRAMFS-TOOLS(7) manpage also recommends such code. So does anyone know if and why the "PREREQ" variable + "prereqs" function is really necessary? Regards, Jmkr