Hi Tomas,

[ For those that have not already seen it, this is in reply to:
  https://blog.fai-project.org/posts/extending-iso-images/ ]

I've long thought that it would be great to be able to easily tweak our
ISO images, and I think this idea may well provide the means.

This could be particularly useful for enabling Debian Blends to present
users with a task list that would be tuned for their blend.

This makes me think that we may be able to publish an image with a
filesystem already appended to it, so that a blend could then create
such a thing including a preseed file that configures their preferred
selection of tasks.

Is that possible with your approach?

BTW if one did that, would it still be possible to read the filesystem
if one were to burn it to a physical CD rather than write it to a USB
stick? (just wondering -- don't really see much need to do that these
days) -- I guess it should be, even if some loop mount with offset was
required to make it work.

Another advantage of having a pre-existing FS appended is that we could
have examples in place so that people could apply common tweaks by
simply un-commenting a line in the example preseed.cfg, but it introduces
the complication of resizing things (or deleting & recreating), if the
default size is too small for one's needs.

Cheers, Phil.
Philip Hands -- https://hands.com/~phil

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