Source: netcfg
Severity: important


netcfg currently installs wireless-tools when configuring a WiFi
interface without WPA key management.

Please stop doing that.
A possible solution is to always use wpa_supplicant, with
   wpa-key-mgmt NONE
for no encryption.

If I'm reading wpa_supplicant's README.Debian right, WEP should work the
same as WPA2, but I have no way of testing this.

I'm filing this bug so we can remove the wireless-tools binary package,
as wireless-tools is dead for more than a decade already.
I'll file a separate bug to also switch away from libiw-dev, which is
also built from src:wireless-tools.

Removing the wireless-tools binary is IMO higher prio then removing the
entire stack, as we really don't want to leave users with a completely
dead and no-future network setup.


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