Hi Adam, Adam D. Barratt via RT <r...@rt.debian.org> (2023-11-18): > I'd like to look at upgrading dillon to bullseye in the > not-too-distant future.
Sure thing. > The d-i.debian.org metapackage fails to install on bullseye, because > it depends on ko.tex-base, which no longer exists in bullseye. The > removal notice suggests that its replacement is texlive-lang-korean, > which the metapackage already depends on for a few years now, so > hopefully dropping ko.tex-base shouldn't be an issue. That was an installation-guide dependency, removed in 2017, first released in 20180603: https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/installation-guide/-/commit/3aa082a832ed636874995bf9e7bd25d0910c3365 Some more cleanup might be possible in there, but if you can build a package that's installable again right away, let's do that. > Do you see any issues with the upgrade from a d-i perspective? Are > there any particularly good times to do the upgrade, or that you'd > prefer to avoid? I'm less used to keeping an eye on the l10n machinery than Holger does, so you might want to wait for an explicit ACK there, but the rest I can probably check and fix/adjust as needed once the upgrade happens. No particular constraints on my side, thanks for asking. Cheers, -- Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org) <https://debamax.com/> D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant
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