Processing control commands:

> retitle -1 hw-detect: firmware file path handling is fragile
Bug #1029843 [hw-detect] live-boot: Devices Requiring Firmware: multiple 
requested files in single line overlapping / special characters
Bug #1030519 [hw-detect] check-missing-firmware: patch for files with space 
characters, mediamount and more (with code)
Changed Bug title to 'hw-detect: firmware file path handling is fragile' from 
'live-boot: Devices Requiring Firmware: multiple requested files in single line 
overlapping / special characters'.
Changed Bug title to 'hw-detect: firmware file path handling is fragile' from 
'check-missing-firmware: patch for files with space characters, mediamount and 
more (with code)'.
> clone -1 -2
Bug #1029843 [hw-detect] hw-detect: firmware file path handling is fragile
Bug #1030519 [hw-detect] hw-detect: firmware file path handling is fragile
Failed to clone 1029843: Bug is marked as being merged with others. Use an 
existing clone.

> reassign -2 src:linux
Failed to clear fixed versions and reopen on -2: The 'bug' parameter ("-2") to 
Debbugs::Control::set_package did not pass regex check

> retitle -2 brcmfmac: firmware filename inconsistency with
Failed to set the title of -2: The 'bug' parameter ("-2") to 
Debbugs::Control::set_title did not pass regex check

Debian Bug Tracking System
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