
On 4/20/23 15:15, Steve McIntyre wrote:
On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 08:20:51PM +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:
Hi all,
TL;DR: ftp & press input for June needed.

On 20-04-2023 18:29, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
The 13th does seem a bit close now, without having announced.
After some consideration today, and the vibe felt in this discussion, let's
not rush this, so let's skip May 13 (also giving Press some time, see below).

One other thing of note is that, unless I've missed some mail, there's
no press / publicity team member confirmed as available, which is
really a requirement.
Jonathan (DPL) mentioned earlier:
Press team is in some slight limbo at the moment, I hope to help fix that
after the DPL election is over, in the mean time, it might be a good idea not
to block on them.
If press is "really a requirement", we'll have to wait until this is settled.

>From the CD side we know that with May 13 out, the rest of May is also out.
So we're looking for a date in June. For June, starting with 10, we have:
kibi      - 10, 17, 24    d-i
Luna      - 10, 17, 24    CD testing
elbrus    - 10,     24    release team
adsb      - 10, 17, 24    release team
Sledge     - 10, 17, 24    images team

June 10 and 17 are workable.

Be well,


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