
On 03/04/2023 at 21:50, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
  - It very much looks like the intermediary states are slightly
    different when setting up LVM and when setting up encrypted LVM, and
    the LVM case case leads to some confusion in partman-efi's
    /lib/partman/init.d/50efi (which logs to /var/log/partman rather than
    to /var/log/syslog): “Found 0 ESPs, 3 non-ESPs”.
Not sure if it is relevant, but the non-EFI partition calculation is 
wrong. Patch attached.
diff --git a/init.d/efi b/init.d/efi
index 7eb8d2e..092ba80 100755
--- a/init.d/efi
+++ b/init.d/efi
@@ -71,23 +71,22 @@ for dev in /var/lib/partman/devices/*; do
 	for id in $partitions; do
-	efi=no
-	open_dialog GET_FLAGS $id
-	while { read_line flag; [ "$flag" ]; }; do
-		if [ "$flag" = boot ]; then
-			efi=yes
+		efi=no
+		open_dialog GET_FLAGS $id
+		while { read_line flag; [ "$flag" ]; }; do
+			if [ "$flag" = boot ]; then
+				efi=yes
+			fi
+		done
+		close_dialog
+		if [ "$efi" = yes ]; then
+			mkdir -p $id
+			echo efi >$id/method
 			NUM_ESP=$(($NUM_ESP + 1))
-			# cannot break here
 			NUM_NO=$(($NUM_NO + 1))
-	close_dialog
-	if [ "$efi" = yes ]; then
-		mkdir -p $id
-		echo efi >$id/method
-	fi
-	done
 log "Found $NUM_ESP ESPs, $NUM_NO non-ESPs"

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