Hi gallegonovato, recently you performed several changes on the preseed component (amongst others) of Debian's installation-guide (via Weblate): https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/debian-installation-guide/installation-guide-preseed/es/
Some of that changes were not good, and I have reverted them in https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/installation-guide/-/commit/692d3cee30e814cccc7e3f1b6cf3a85e7456e2fa In detail: there were several lines like "#d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string\n" "#d-i netcfg/get_netmask string\n" "#d-i netcfg/get_gateway string\n" "#d-i netcfg/get_nameservers string\n" where you translated "string" into "cadena". This is not allowed, these lines have to be left untranslated. Similar is with "#d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Configurar red manualmente\n" This line has be left as: "#d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Configure network manually\n" And additionally, I corrected some over-long lines (change line breaks), because otherwise those long lines look ugly in the PDF variant of the manual (so only a cosmetic changing, nothing strictly wrong from you side). Maybe you could double-check https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/installation-guide/-/commit/692d3cee30e814cccc7e3f1b6cf3a85e7456e2fa if all went right, but I guess so. The new translations have already been merged into Weblate too, by the way. Regards Holger -- Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> PGP-Fingerprint: 496A C6E8 1442 4B34 8508 3529 59F1 87CA 156E B076