On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 22:53, Santiago Vila <sanv...@debian.org> wrote:
> El 23/2/23 a las 22:26, Luca Boccassi escribió:
> > On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 20:50, Santiago Vila <sanv...@debian.org> wrote:
> >> The buildds already did the switch several months ago.
> >
> > Wait, what?  Specific changes were made to debootstrap in order to
> > allow the buildd machines to stay un-merged, as the CTTE wanted,
> Can you elaborate on that? What you say sounds as something that
> could be said two years ago before the release of bullseye, i.e.
> newly installed systems have usr-merge by default but we keep
> building packages on not usr-merged chroots.
> > When did the switch happen, and how?
> I believe it was sometime in 2022-11, but I can't tell for sure. I believe it
> happened because I sometimes monitor debian-bugs-rc and at some point bugs
> about packages which FTBFS on usr-merged systems became serious.
> Sorry not to be more precise. I hope somebody who knows better can answer.
> ( In case it's confirmed that the buildds are already using usr-merge for 
> bookworm
> and sid, would you agree that the debootstrap program in bookworm should do 
> the
> same by default? )

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