Still reproducible on testing.

Here is the deal:
Console setup is supposed to rely on cached scripts in /etc/console-setup 
(copied to initramfs). But plymouth starts in initramfs, occupies tty1, which 
causes setupcon to detect graphical mode and skip tty1.
When scripts exist in /etc/console-setup, conditions in 
/lib/console-setup/ basically skip running setupcon if 
console-setup.service is launched first time during boot.

To fix this:
1. add plymouth-exit.service to After= in console-setup.service
2. add plymouth exit detection to

--- /lib/console-setup/ 2023-02-09 01:33:51.198998809 +0300
+++ /lib/console-setup/ 2023-02-09 01:34:10.826464995 +0300
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
               -nt /etc/default/keyboard ] || do_configure=yes
         [ /etc/console-setup/ \
               -nt /etc/default/console-setup ] || do_configure=yes
+        # if plymouth-exit.service was launched and registered as active,
+        # plymouth has released tty1 for us to fix
+        systemctl is-active -q plymouth-quit.service && do_configure=yes

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