
Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> (2022-08-30):
> as discussed in [1], I'd like to see the priority of rsyslog demoted
> from important to optional.
> We've been shipping with a persistent journal since bullseye and no
> major issues have been reported since then and the feedback has been
> positive so far.
> Copying the rationale from this email:
> The main reason here is, that I want to avoid that log data is stored twice 
> on disk.
> What exactly would this mean going forward:
> - Existing systems will continue to have rsyslog installed (but they can
>   safely uninstall rsyslog)
> - Newly installed systems will no longer have rsyslog installed, unless
>   some other package Depends on either rsyslog | system-log-daemon. But
>   my recommendation is, that individual packages do not have a
>   Depends/Recommends: rsyslog | system-log-daemon unless it is really
>   crucial to their operation. Journald does provide /dev/log and a
>   syslog() api call will make sure the log message ends up on persistent
>   storage.
> - If you prefer rsyslog on a systemd-based system you can easily install
>   rsyslog and it will continue to work as-is.
> There wasn't that much feedback on this RFC, but no objection afaics, so
> I'd like to proceed with this plan.
> Regards,
> Michael
> [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/11/msg00179.html

No objections from my side, but I'd like to check something: overrides
are per suite, and should only change for testing/unstable/experimental,
not for stable, when acting on such requests, right?

A quick look at coccia's scripts/override/override.* suggests so, but
I'm asking anyway: a bunch of packages in the default set are a no
brainer, but I expect many admins to have some deployment code that
acts on rsyslog, either configuring it in some specific ways, or getting
rid of it… I wouldn't want stable to get a different set of packages
overnight, esp. if it comes via archive metadata updates, rather than
via some package updates.

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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