Package: installation-reports Boot method: Netboot amd64 Image version: Date: 8/9/2022
Machine: Hyper-V Virtual Machine Processor: AMD 64 Memory: 8GB Partitions: N/A Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn): N/A Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot: [E] Detect network card: [ ] Configure network: [ ] Detect media: [ ] Load installer modules: [ ] Detect hard drives: [ ] Partition hard drives: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Clock/timezone setup: [ ] User/password setup: [ ] Install tasks: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Overall install: [ ] Comments/Problems: The current Debian 11.4 netboot image does not load linux kernel file when attempting to run a PXE netboot install. After selecting Install, the process hangs at "Loading debian-installer/amd64/linux..." and never states "Ok"; after several minutes the machine transitions to a black screen with a message stating the boot process failed. The exact same machine and PXE servers were used with Debian 11.3 netboot without issue and swapping the linux and initrd.gz files with the 11.3 netboot files resolves the issue and allows the kernel to load, however, it then fails on mismatched modules due to the current debian-installer repo being updated for Debian 11.4. Need the netboot installer image to be updated with a loadable kernel and initrd.gz.