On Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 03:49:55PM +1200, Richard Hector wrote:
> Package: debian-installer
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> Using netinst bullseye 11.4 installer:
> https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/debian-11.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso
> I chose to add a network mirror, using https, and the default
> 'deb.debian.org'.
> I used (non-graphical) Expert Mode.
> The problem first showed up when tasksel only displayed 'standard system
> utilities'. When I went ahead with that, the next screen was a red
> 'Installation step failed' screen.
> The log on tty4 showed various dependency problems.
> I tried to 'chroot /target' and 'apt update', which showed certificate
> problems. I then ran 'apt install ca-certificates', which worked
> (installing from the cd image?), after which 'apt update' worked, and I
> was also able to continue successfully with the installer.
> I was able to reproduce this in a (kvm/qemu) VM (which is where I
> confirmed my steps); the original problem was on an HP Thin Client
> (t520). In both cases only 8G of storage was available.
> It all works fine using http for the mirror.
> I'm happy to do further testing with the VM; the thin client is less
> convenient as it has a job to do.
Please attach syslog from the installer.


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