Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hud...@canonical.com> writes:

> Well busybox's udhcpc would seem a likely candidate here -- but its IPv6
> support (iirc the reason we switch to dhclient from klibc's ipconfig in
> Ubuntu's initramfs, at least) is described as incomplete.

udhcpc is a very good IPv4 candidate indeed.  The ability to run over
any IP interface makes it better than the ISC dhclient IMHO.

As for DHCPv6 - we do have both dibbler and WIDE clients which are both
DHCPv6 only. Unfortunately, the upstream state and future of both aren't
any better than the ISC dhclient.

Maybe look at the OpenWrt odhcp6c?  Needs packaging, but at least it has
an upstream.  https://github.com/openwrt/odhcp6c The combined RA +
DHCPv6 handling is a bit weird.  But it does fill a hole in the current
ifupdown where RA handling (and specifically dynamically assigned
default routers) is left out.  Yes, it is handled by the kernel, but
that's not what users expect or what other alternatives like NM or
networkd does.  So ifupdown + odhcp6c will look like more of an
NM/networkd alternative than any of the existing DHCPv6 pakcages.

Having different clients for v4 and v6 isn't a problem - one could even
see it as a feature.  The protocols do have a few things in common, but
the differences are big enough to make a combined client look like
something Frankenstein created.

Makes more sense to try to standardise file system locations for the few
settings which makes sense in both protocols, like the DUID (for RFC
4361 compliant client identifiers).

BTW, how about replacements for isc-dhcp-relay?  We have
wide-dhcpv6-relay and dibbler-relay for DHCPv6, with the same issue as
the clients, but are there any DHCP alternatives?


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