Hi, I think that some type of message should be written in the installer
that is used with speech telling the user that if you don't need to wipe
the disk like if it is already encrypted then you can press control and
c to abort the process so that the message is clear and so that it is
known to the user that they don't have to wait until the entire wiping
process is completed if they don't want to. Nick Gawronski
On 5/2/2022 7:39 AM, Holger Wansing wrote:
Am 2. Mai 2022 13:58:54 MESZ schrieb Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org>:
Holger Wansing, le lun. 02 mai 2022 13:52:36 +0200, a ecrit:
Nick is right, if you perform an install with speech output, there is no
interactive possibility to cancel the full disk wipe action in the text
frontend used for speech!
In the newt frontend or graphical installer there is the Cancel button,
but not in the text frontend, sadly.
That was fixed in cdebconf 0.261, one can just press control-C.
Yes, I used an outdated image for testing, my bad...