On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 05:32:23PM +0800, Glen Huang wrote:
> > On Feb 16, 2022, at 5:19 PM, Glen Huang <hey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Currently, the preseed file needs to be a text file. I find it to
> > be a bit limiting, especially if you want to do some non-trivial
> > scripting in either early_command or late_command (let's call them
> > runners). There are basically four options to address it AFAIK:
> >
> > 1. Strictly use one-liners in runners.
> > 2. Bundle the scripts in the install media, to be called by the
> >    runners.
> > 3. Make runners download the scripts and then run them.
> > 4. Embed the scripts in preseed and then make runners redownload it,
> >    parse the scripts out and run them.
> >
> > All of them are flawed:
> >
> > 1. If done manually, this is really awkward, and since in-target
> >    uses chroot under the hood, you can’t use redirects directly,
> >    not without sh -c, also awkward.
> > 2. The official install media can no longer be used directly, and
> >    for a lot environments using a custom install media is not an option.
> > 3. This means you need to set up a web server that the installer
> >    can access, which is quite painful, and the installer might not have
> >    access to the Internet.
> > 4. This is the approach I currently take. However, it’s also
> >    quite awkward, since each line of the embedded content has to be
> >    commented out, and you also have to invent ad hoc file delimiters,
> >    and it doesn’t work for binary files (unless (en|de)coded by base64
> >    of course).
> >
> > I think there are many cases that require non-trial scripting. A
> > strong one could be doing provisioning in late_command.
> >
> > I wonder if allowing preseed to be a tarball would be a good idea? It
> > could define a content structure like this:
> >
> > early_commands/   # run executables in it at the point of early_command
> > late_commands/  # run executables in it at the point of late_command
> > late_in_target_commands/ # run executables in it at the point of 
> > late_command, chrooted to /target
> > in_target_files/ # files in it are copied to /target after installation 
> > finishes, maybe before late_command
> Forgot a few things.
> 1. #4 also means the preseed file needs be downloaded twice, since
>    the one downloaded by the installer is immediately removed once the
>    preseed is loaded into debconf db, before early_command.
> 2. Files parsed out in #4 needs to be stored somewhere. No matter
>    where you place them, there is no guarantee that (future versions of)
>    d-i won’t touch them.
> 3. The tarball should contain a /preseed file to provide the preseed.
> >
> > Thoughts?

The initrd of d-i can indeed be extended / appended.
And in the "appendix" goes the desired extras. Then

d-i  preseed/early_commands  /myextras/early_script

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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