On 2/10/2022 3:27 AM, Paul Gevers wrote:
Hi Chuck,

On 10-02-2022 01:34, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
The problem as I see it is that the debian installer team is already aware of the problem and has been aware of it for over six months because #983357 is marked as affecting d-i. So I do not understand why #983357 is not included on the d-i bullseye errata page.

Please assume good faith. I would go for the most obvious possibility, that while being aware of this issue, they just didn't think at the same time of the installation guide.

Sorry Debian Installer Team - if I said anything that might make someone think that the Debian Installer Team is *not* acting in good faith, I am truly sorry. I am just trying to figure out how to get known bug #983357 mentioned in the official documentation for the bullseye release (and probably also for bookworm installers).

Do I need to file another bug in addition to #983357 to get this problem listed on the bullseye (and also RC versions) d-i errata pages?

This is the most establish process, so yes, I suggest you just go and follow that route, even without a reply here. Than it's documented in the right place [1].

OK, but after more careful reading, there is an installation-reports pseudo package for this [2],[3]. I will do such a report for bookworm (after verifying the problem exists in bookworm) and mention it also affects bullseye.


Thanks again for your kind and quick reply,


[1] unless I'm much mistaken, that would be against the installation-guide package, but it can be reassigned if I'm wrong.
[2] https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/debian-installer/#errata
[3] https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch05s04#submit-bug

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