On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 06:08:22PM -0800, VDRU VDRU wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 12:13 PM Geert Stappers <stapp...@stappers.nl> wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 11:27:37AM -0800, VDRU VDRU wrote:
> > > >
> > > Hi, thanks for your reply! No, there are no single/double-quotes,
> > > apostrophes, or dollar signs. The password contains a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and
> > > _ only.
> > >
> > > Another thing I noticed but didn't mention is that in the ssid list,
> > > it splits the ssid into two entries in the menu. There's a "," in the
> > > ssid name and that's where the split occurs. No "," is shown in either
> > > menu entry. Maybe the ssid list is comma-separated rather than using a
> > > character that can't or is less likely to appear in a ssid? This seems
> > > to just be a cosmetic issue but could confuse users as to which entry
> > > to select in cases like that. Since my primary problem is the password
> > > preseeding and unrelated to this, I didn't mention it before.
> >
> > And is (temporary) removing the , from the SSID  tested?
> Ok, I managed to make some time to do some wifi testing, much to my
> family's disgust. :)

Auch, that hurts

> Regarding preseeding the wifi password, I tried in this order:
> - removing the underscores from the password
> - cutting the password from 60 to 33 chars (alphanumeric only)
> - cutting the password down to 32 chars (alphanumeric only)
> - cutting the password down to 8 chars (alphanumeric only)
> - removing the "," from the ssid
> - trying a ssid consisting of 11 lowercase chars only
> - changed router security from "WPA2 - Personal" to "WPA/WPA2 - Personal"
> - changed router encryption from AES to AES/TKIP
> None of these worked. Preseeding the password failed in all cases,
> even with a simple alphanumeric-only ssid and password.
> Regarding an ssid with a "," in it creating two menu entries:
> If there ssid is "heres a, test ssid", it will result in a menu that looks 
> like:
> heres a
> test ssid
> If I select either entry and enter the password, it fails. If I
> manually enter "heres a, test ssid" and then enter the password, it
> works fine. If I removed the "," so the ssid is "heres a test ssid",
> selecting the single "heres a test ssid" entry works fine.
> So, to summarize... Using an ssid with a comma in it causes the
> installer to split the ssid into multiple menu entries at the comma,
> but manually entering a ssid with a comma works fine.

As in "OK, that fits the expectations"

> And, preseeding just a wpa password fails in all cases.

That is unexpected.

I myself never did preseed WIFI password.
(and didn't noticed previous reports about it not working)

I hope that this messages triggers  "works for me" notifications.
> Another discovery I made is that the wifi device wants nonfree
> firmware "rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin". If I copy
> "rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin" to the root dir of the usb stick, the
> installer fails to find it when I select yes. If I unplug the usb
> stick and connect it in a different usb port and select yes again, the
> installer finds it but sometimes takes a few tries. Maybe it's a good
> idea to have the installer automatically check the root dir of the usb
> it booted from for any missing firmware before asking the user for it?

I can't tell if effects the problem from the subject line.

> And the last thing I'll mention is the font used in the graphical
> installer isn't great when it comes to entering passwords. I found
> that at least the "I" (capital i) and "l" (lowercase L) look
> identical. That makes it a pain to verify a password was entered
> correctly.
> Thanks for checking this stuff!
Thanks for the compliment.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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