Package: installation-reports Version: 2.71 Severity: normal (report done from another macn
-- Package-specific info: Boot method: DVD (Xen PV mode) Image version: 2021-06-19 19:20 Date: 2021-06-20 evening Machine: Xen PV DomU Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot: [O] Detect network card: [O] Configure network: [O] Detect CD: [E] Load installer modules: [E] Clock/timezone setup: [O] User/password setup: [O] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Install base system: [O] Install tasks: [E] Install boot loader: [E] Overall install: [E] Comments/Problems: Problem 1: The CD is not recognised as a valid source of package, and thus grub installation fails; my assumption is that it requires grub-common from the CD but doesn't have it. So I loaded the extra installer module pppoe in order to get an Internet connection and use a network mirror to get packages. That failed to work, because the pppoe kernel module failed to load, which is: Problem 2: the ppoe installer module needs "depmod" but doesn't run it "depmod" run from the shell fixed that. Then I selected a network mirror, namely http / Luxembourg / Problem 3: the selected network mirror is not used. I ended up going to the shell again, chrooting into /target, editing /etc/sources.lst with nano to put the requested mirror source, and after "apt-get update && apt-get install grub-xen" the installer finished correctly. Note also that the "security updates" and "updates" lines in source.list were commented out "because they failed to validate". "Install tasks" worked OK, but the only task available was "basic system utilities" or something like that, again that's because nothing in sources.list, not the CD and not the network mirror.